Nursing Department » JPS Nursing Department

JPS Nursing Department

Welcome to Health News for  Johnston Public Schools
nurse image


The goal of the Johnston Public Schools Health Services Program is that all students are healthy and ready to learn. Health services are provided by our certified school nurse-teachers. Our primary focus is health promotion and disease prevention. School Health Services are meant to supplement, rather than replace, parental responsibility and are designed to encourage parents/guardians to take an active role in supporting their child's health so all students can function at their optimal level.

Notes From the Nursing Department


* Cold/flu and other common illnesses:  Cold and flu season has arrived .  There have been many students that have been sick here at school.  JPS has recently hosted 2 district wide flu vaccine clinics that were offered to students and their families. A make-up date has also been added. See website for details.  For more information or other state offered clinics please go to


* Covid 19 Updates:  We have had some cases since the start of school, but there has been no concern about classroom “clustering or groupings” in a short period of time.

If this occurs at any time during the school year, you will receive notification.

JPS follows the most up to date CDC guidelines in conjunction with the RI Department of Health. For more information please go to


* General illness guidelines for school: If your child becomes ill, please keep them home. You can refer to the following guidelines for judging illness prior to sending your child to school.  If a student becomes ill during the school day, I will dismiss them based on nursing assessment for one or more of the following:

  1. Temperature of greater than 100.4 degrees.

* If fever, students need to be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.

  1.        Vomiting (not mucous from a cough)
  2.        Has diarrhea

* If vomiting/diarrhea, must be free of symptoms for 24 hours prior to return.

  1. Consistent cough, sneezing, runny nose or severe cold symptoms.
  2.        Pain or any other condition severe enough to interfere with the ability to focus. (i.e. headache, earache, sore throat or recent injury) Has persistent pain anywhere, with or without impaired mobility.
  3.        Excessive fatigue, unable to stay awake (possible sign/symptom of illness)
  4. Has suspicious skin eruptions, rash that is not readily identified.  This should be considered communicable until medical evaluation/clearance is obtained.
  5. Has untreated red/pink eyes. Crusting or drainage from the eye. 

                        This will be considered communicable until medical evaluation/clearance is


            If diagnosed with conjunctivitis “pink eye”, students must remain home for   

            24 hours after the start of treatment hours after the start of treatment.

  1. Demonstrates any other condition rendering inability to function in school.


* Remember to call the school to report your child will be out, a doctor's note is required after 3 consecutive days of absence.


* Always keep emergency contact information/numbers up to date


* Help prevent the spread of germs by encouraging children to wash hands frequently, cough/sneeze into their arm/sleeve and dispose of used tissues.


* If you have any questions regarding illness, please contact your building nurse.


All students entering the Johnston Public Schools must present proof of immunizations that meet the requirements set forth by the RI Department of Health. 

Please click "Immunization Info" for details.


Click here for Current Information on Respiratory Viruses


Health Exams/Physicals


In accordance with the RI Regulations for School Health Programs:

Students who have not been previously enrolled in a school in the State are required to have a health exam/physical completed.  This exam may be performed 12 months preceding the date of school entry or within 6 months after the start of school.

An updated health exam/physical is again required upon entry to grades 7 & 12


Health Screenings

State mandated school health screenings are overseen by Certified School Nurse-Teachers throughout each school year.


Dental: Grades K-5, and Grade 10
Vision: Grades K-5, Grade 7, Grade 9
Hearing: Grades PK-3
Scoliosis: Grades 6-8

Health Forms